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Son Of Rezai Campaign Aide Reported Killed In Iranian Prison

The young man's father worked for conservative candidate Mohsen Rezai
The young man's father worked for conservative candidate Mohsen Rezai
Iranian news websites are reporting that Mohsen Rouholamini, the son of one of former Revolutionary Guards commander Mohsen Rezai's senior campaign adviser, has died at Tehran's Evin prison. The family was informed of his death by prison officials two days ago, the reports suggest.

RFE/RL couldn't independently confirm the reports.

Officials were said to have told the family that Rouholamini would be released in the near future, and the circumstances of his reported death are unclear.

Rouholamini was among those arrested during a July 9 protest in Tehran, reports said.

The Mowjcamp website reports that his father, Abdol Hossein Rouholamini, became the head of Iran's Pasteur Institute following President Mahmud Ahmadinejad's election in 2005.