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Karimova Named In Swedish Telecoms Bribery Probe

Gulnara Karimova
Gulnara Karimova
Gulnara Karimova, the eldest daughter of Uzbek President Islam Karimov, has been named as a suspect in a Swedish telecoms bribery case.

Reuters quotes Swedish prosecutors as saying they are investigating Karimova on suspicion of taking bribes to let Nordic telecoms company TeliaSonera enter the Uzbek market.

According to prosecutors, TeliaSonera paid 2.3 billion Swedish crowns ($358 million) for a 3G license in Uzbekistan in 2007 to the Gibraltar-registered firm Takilant, knowing that the company was a front for Karimova.

Karimova had already been named by Swiss prosecutors in a money-laundering case and is being investigated by U.S. and Dutch authorities, as well.

The BBC, meanwhile, reports it has obtained a handwritten letter it believes is from Karimova in which she says she is under house arrest in Tashkent, under "severe psychological pressure," and has been beaten.
Based on reporting by Reuters, BBC, and