Some of the world’s leading architects have petitioned Russian President Vladimir Putin to save Moscow's iconic Shukhov Radio Tower from destruction. In February 2014, the Federal Ministry of Communications agreed to the dismantling of the work of early Soviet constructivism with the hope of reconstructing it elsewhere -- but a final decision by Russian authorities is expected by March 24.
Moscow's Iconic Shukhov Tower Faces Dismantling

Engineer Vladimir Shukhov, who designed the tower in 1919, was confident that his innovative steelwork could build a 360-meter structure, taller than the Eiffel Tower -- a design that was abandoned due to material shortages.

A postage stamp marking 50 years of Radio Moscow displays the Shukhov Tower.

The architect’s great-grandson, also named Vladimir Shukhov, has led a campaign to offer an alternative method of restoration that would reinforce the tower's points of structural weakness without tearing it down.