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The Rundown - May 26

News & views on RFE/RL's broadcast region

First Read

# "The World's Biggest Threat is Corruption, Not Nuclear Weapons" - Mikhail Khordokovsky

# "Facebook Ban: Our Polarising Press" - George Fulton, "The Express Tribune"
# "Throw the Book and Face the Consequences" - Mahir Ali, "Dawn"
# "The New York Times" on conspiracy theories in Pakistan
# Pakistan asks for U.S. help in bridging the gap with India

# "Show Time in Kandahar" - Jonathan Wallace, "Foreign Policy"
# "The Wall Street Journal" reports on the Taliban in Kandahar

# Evgeny Morozov on the Russian tech giant Digital Sky Technologies
# "Time to Let the North Causasus Go" - Yulia Latynina, "Moscow Times"
# Fred Weir reports on TV censorship in the wake of a mining disaster
# Dmitry Medvedev pitches Russia as a financial haven

# "Iran's Friednship With Russia Turns Sour" - Maryam Sinaiee, "The National"
# "Iranian Film-makers Script Political Role" - Massoumeh Torfeh, "The Guardian"
# Steven Kinzer on tourism to Iran

Of interest

# "Kim Jong-Il's Willing Accomplices" - Christopher Hitchens, "Slate"
# "As Free Market Democracies Flail, Watch Out for China" - Ian Bremmer, "USA Today"
# "Terrorism Down, but not Out" - Sunny Peter, "The Diplomat"

U.S. Politics/Foreign Policy
# "Whoa There, Rising Powers!" - James Traub, "Foreign Policy"
# "U.S. Public Diplomacy in Pakistan" - Jordan Dey, "Huffington Post"
# "Letters to Nowhere" - James Kirchick, "World Affairs Journal"

About This Blog

Written by RFE/RL editors and correspondents, Transmission serves up news, comment, and the odd silly dictator story. While our primary concern is with foreign policy, Transmission is also a place for the ideas -- some serious, some irreverent -- that bubble up from our bureaus. The name recognizes RFE/RL's role as a surrogate broadcaster to places without free media. You can write us at

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