News & views on RFE's broadcast region
Salman Taseer
# "Dawn" reports on the possibility of a greater plot
# "The Media's Role In Taseer's Murder" - Samad Khurram, "Express Tribune"
# "Salman Taseer And The Punjabi Taliban" - Asra Nomani, "Foreign Policy"
# "An Assassination In Pakistan" - Steve Coll, "The New Yorker"
# "The Troubled Heart Of Pakistan" - Matthew Kaminski, "The Wall Street Journal"
# "Time" reports on fear among Pakistan's Christians
# "Newsline" has a roundup of coverage
# Global Post" on the security situation in Northeast Afghanistan
# The "Christian Science Monitor" profiles Kabul Mayor Muhammad Younus Nawandish
# "Iran: Another Problem From Hell" - Chrostopher Hill, "Project Syndicate"
# "Iranian Royal Family's Suicide Tragedy" - Omid Memarian, "The Daily Beast"
# "U.S. Hardliners Lose Ground On Iran?" - Robert Dreyfuss, "The Diplomat"
# "Dissent Turns Into A Solo Act" - Andrew Kramer, "The New York Times"
# "The End Of The Medvedev Revolution?" - Amy Knight, "NY Review Of Books"
# The offices of the Belarus Helsinki Committee were raided by authorities
# "The New York Times" on Poland's support for political opposition in Belarus
# A report on the PKK from Iraq's Qandil Mountains
# Cleric Moktada al-Sadr returns to Iraq after three years in Iran
Of Interest
# "Brave New Wikiworld" - James Jay Carafano, "National Interest"
# "Net Nuetrality: Content And Its Discontents" - Joss Wright, "The Guardian"
# "Free markets Can Still Free The World" - Robert Zoellick, "Financial Times"
U.S. Politics/Foreign Policy
# The Presidential Commission on the Gulf Oil Spill has released its report
Salman Taseer
# "Dawn" reports on the possibility of a greater plot
# "The Media's Role In Taseer's Murder" - Samad Khurram, "Express Tribune"
# "Salman Taseer And The Punjabi Taliban" - Asra Nomani, "Foreign Policy"
# "An Assassination In Pakistan" - Steve Coll, "The New Yorker"
# "The Troubled Heart Of Pakistan" - Matthew Kaminski, "The Wall Street Journal"
# "Time" reports on fear among Pakistan's Christians
# "Newsline" has a roundup of coverage
# Global Post" on the security situation in Northeast Afghanistan
# The "Christian Science Monitor" profiles Kabul Mayor Muhammad Younus Nawandish
# "Iran: Another Problem From Hell" - Chrostopher Hill, "Project Syndicate"
# "Iranian Royal Family's Suicide Tragedy" - Omid Memarian, "The Daily Beast"
# "U.S. Hardliners Lose Ground On Iran?" - Robert Dreyfuss, "The Diplomat"
# "Dissent Turns Into A Solo Act" - Andrew Kramer, "The New York Times"
# "The End Of The Medvedev Revolution?" - Amy Knight, "NY Review Of Books"
# The offices of the Belarus Helsinki Committee were raided by authorities
# "The New York Times" on Poland's support for political opposition in Belarus
# A report on the PKK from Iraq's Qandil Mountains
# Cleric Moktada al-Sadr returns to Iraq after three years in Iran
Of Interest
# "Brave New Wikiworld" - James Jay Carafano, "National Interest"
# "Net Nuetrality: Content And Its Discontents" - Joss Wright, "The Guardian"
# "Free markets Can Still Free The World" - Robert Zoellick, "Financial Times"
U.S. Politics/Foreign Policy
# The Presidential Commission on the Gulf Oil Spill has released its report