News & views on RFE's broadcast region
International Press Review
Sunday Talk Shows
# "This Week" hosts a roundtable in Cairo
# Fareed Zakaria interviews Mohamed El Baradei and David Cameron
# "Meet The Press" has El Baradei, Senator John Kerry, and Egypt's Ambassador to the U.S.
# Two reporters from "The New York Times" recount their detention in Egypt
# "Der Spiegel" interviews U.S. Senator John McCain
# "U.S. Deeds Don't Follow U.S. Words" - Anne Applebaum, "The Washington Post"
# "Lessons From Ukraine" - Yulia Tymoshenko, "The Daily Star"
# "How Democracy Became Halal" - Reuel Marc Gerecht, "The New York Times"
# "Egypt's Parallel To Iran's Revolution" - Fareed Zakaria, "The Washington Post"
# "Terrorism Meets Xenophobia In Russia" - King & Menon, "LA Times"
# "World War IV" - Richard Lourie, "Moscow Times"
# Doku Umarov vows a "year of blood" for Russia
# A new report casts doubt on the connection between al Qaeda and the Taliban
# Hamid Karzai wants to end PRTs
# "The New York Times" reports on the Taliban's shadow government
# "The Pakistan Scenario" - Robert Haddick, "Foreign Policy"
# The two men killed by Raymond Davis may have been intelligence operatives
# Abigail Esman on executions in Iran
# "Iran's Execution Binge" - Omid Memarian, "The Daily Beast"
# The trial of American hikers has kicked off in Tehran
# Nuri al-Maliki may seek a third term as prime minister
# Iraqis are taking to the streets to protest high prices
Of Interest
# Amanda Paul on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
# OpenLeaks is set to launch this summer
# "FoxNews" on the BBG's circumvention efforts in China
# "The Technology Of Counterrevolution" - Gordon Crovitz, "The Wall Street Journal"
# Joshua Yaffa reviews "The Net Delusion"
U.S. Politics/Foreign Policy
# "Obama Needs A Freedom Agenda He Can Believe In" - Fred Hiatt
# "U.S. Principles Clash With Its Intrerests" - Christopher Caldwell, "Financial Times"
# Polling data shows Americans don't think democracy promotion abroad is important
# AOL has acquired "The Huffington Post" for $315 million
International Press Review
Sunday Talk Shows
# "This Week" hosts a roundtable in Cairo
# Fareed Zakaria interviews Mohamed El Baradei and David Cameron
# "Meet The Press" has El Baradei, Senator John Kerry, and Egypt's Ambassador to the U.S.
# Two reporters from "The New York Times" recount their detention in Egypt
# "Der Spiegel" interviews U.S. Senator John McCain
# "U.S. Deeds Don't Follow U.S. Words" - Anne Applebaum, "The Washington Post"
# "Lessons From Ukraine" - Yulia Tymoshenko, "The Daily Star"
# "How Democracy Became Halal" - Reuel Marc Gerecht, "The New York Times"
# "Egypt's Parallel To Iran's Revolution" - Fareed Zakaria, "The Washington Post"
# "Terrorism Meets Xenophobia In Russia" - King & Menon, "LA Times"
# "World War IV" - Richard Lourie, "Moscow Times"
# Doku Umarov vows a "year of blood" for Russia
# A new report casts doubt on the connection between al Qaeda and the Taliban
# Hamid Karzai wants to end PRTs
# "The New York Times" reports on the Taliban's shadow government
# "The Pakistan Scenario" - Robert Haddick, "Foreign Policy"
# The two men killed by Raymond Davis may have been intelligence operatives
# Abigail Esman on executions in Iran
# "Iran's Execution Binge" - Omid Memarian, "The Daily Beast"
# The trial of American hikers has kicked off in Tehran
# Nuri al-Maliki may seek a third term as prime minister
# Iraqis are taking to the streets to protest high prices
Of Interest
# Amanda Paul on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
# OpenLeaks is set to launch this summer
# "FoxNews" on the BBG's circumvention efforts in China
# "The Technology Of Counterrevolution" - Gordon Crovitz, "The Wall Street Journal"
# Joshua Yaffa reviews "The Net Delusion"
U.S. Politics/Foreign Policy
# "Obama Needs A Freedom Agenda He Can Believe In" - Fred Hiatt
# "U.S. Principles Clash With Its Intrerests" - Christopher Caldwell, "Financial Times"
# Polling data shows Americans don't think democracy promotion abroad is important
# AOL has acquired "The Huffington Post" for $315 million