News & views on RFE's broadcast region
Sunday Talk Shows
# "Face The Nation" interviews Senator John McCain
# Fareed Zakaria discusses the revolution in Egypt
# "This Week" interviews Newt Gingrich and Ehud Barak
Egypt And Beyond
# "Gutenberg Of Arabia" - Jeff Jarvis, "Buzz Machine"
# A photo gallery from the "Boston Globe"
# "The Arab 1989?" - Ulrichsen, Held, & Brahimi, "OpenDemocracy"
# Protests are spreading across the region
# "Did Facebook Bring Down Mubarak?" - Micah L. Sifry, "CNN"
# Iranian authorities vow to crucsh protests planned for today in Tehran
# "The Washington Post" interviews IAEA Director General Yukia Amano
# "Iran Bans Valentine's Day" - Melik Kaylan, "The Wall Street Journal"
# Universities in Afghanistan are struggling with funding
# "Time" reports on NATO trainer shortages in Afghanistan
# The U.S. canceled high-level meetings over the detention of Raymond Davis
# Charting the opinions of Pakistani journalists
# A photo gallery of Pakistan's flood regions, six months on
# "The Express Tribune" reports on the Haqqani network's supporters
# Pakistan's Foreign Minister is running into political problems
# Journalist Luke Harding has been allowed to return to Russia
# "Egypt's Lessons for Russia" - Victor Davidoff, "Moscow Times"
# "Has Russia Brought Terrorism on Itself?" - Joshua Yaffa, "Foreign Policy"
Of Interest
# "Kazakhstan's Path Toward Democracy" - Peter Fraser, "Moscow Times"
# Freedom House lists the "next 5 dictators to go"
U.S. Politics/Foreign Policy
# The "AFP" reports on U.S. efforts to fight internet censorship
# "The Misleading Metaphor Of Decline" - Joseph Nye, "The Wall Street Journal"
# "The Return Of Pushing Democracy" - Peter Baker, "The New York Times"
Sunday Talk Shows
# "Face The Nation" interviews Senator John McCain
# Fareed Zakaria discusses the revolution in Egypt
# "This Week" interviews Newt Gingrich and Ehud Barak
Egypt And Beyond
# "Gutenberg Of Arabia" - Jeff Jarvis, "Buzz Machine"
# A photo gallery from the "Boston Globe"
# "The Arab 1989?" - Ulrichsen, Held, & Brahimi, "OpenDemocracy"
# Protests are spreading across the region
# "Did Facebook Bring Down Mubarak?" - Micah L. Sifry, "CNN"
# Iranian authorities vow to crucsh protests planned for today in Tehran
# "The Washington Post" interviews IAEA Director General Yukia Amano
# "Iran Bans Valentine's Day" - Melik Kaylan, "The Wall Street Journal"
# Universities in Afghanistan are struggling with funding
# "Time" reports on NATO trainer shortages in Afghanistan
# The U.S. canceled high-level meetings over the detention of Raymond Davis
# Charting the opinions of Pakistani journalists
# A photo gallery of Pakistan's flood regions, six months on
# "The Express Tribune" reports on the Haqqani network's supporters
# Pakistan's Foreign Minister is running into political problems
# Journalist Luke Harding has been allowed to return to Russia
# "Egypt's Lessons for Russia" - Victor Davidoff, "Moscow Times"
# "Has Russia Brought Terrorism on Itself?" - Joshua Yaffa, "Foreign Policy"
Of Interest
# "Kazakhstan's Path Toward Democracy" - Peter Fraser, "Moscow Times"
# Freedom House lists the "next 5 dictators to go"
U.S. Politics/Foreign Policy
# The "AFP" reports on U.S. efforts to fight internet censorship
# "The Misleading Metaphor Of Decline" - Joseph Nye, "The Wall Street Journal"
# "The Return Of Pushing Democracy" - Peter Baker, "The New York Times"