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Ten Members Of Same Family Killed In Pakistani Road Accident

Police in southern Pakistan say 10 members of the same family were killed when their van was crushed between two buses traveling in opposite directions on the Indus Highway.

“All 10 of the van's passengers have been killed,” Nisar Ahmed, the police spokesman in the city of Jamshoro, said on December 24.

He said the dead included four women and five children.

The drivers of the two passenger buses fled the scene after the accident and were being sought by police, he added.

Local police official Arfan Buhadar said the two buses collided, then crashed into the van.

He said at least 17 others were injured, some critically, and that the death toll could rise.

Road accidents are prevalent in Pakistan, where poor road conditions and drivers’ lax regard for safety standards and traffic rules are often to blame.

Based on reporting by dpa, AP, and Dunyanews