All hybrid wars are not created equally.
Some, like the one Russia has been waging on Ukraine, are expressly designed to go kinetic, to result in a shooting war.
And others, like the one Russia has been waging on the West, are designed to remain non-kinetic, aimed at dividing, demoralizing, and distracting.
Both forms are dangerous. Both forms are deadly. And both forms are here to stay.
For the past few years, we've been hearing and talking a lot about hybrid war and hybrid tactics. But what exactly is hybrid war? What are its components and weapons? And how can one defend against it?
On this week's Power Vertical Podcast I discuss a new report, Hybrid War Or Gibridnaya Voina: Getting Russia's Non-Linear Military Challenge Right, authored by co-host Mark Galeotti.
Also on the podcast, Mark and I unpack Vladimir Putin's annual state-of-the-nation speech and Russia's newly unveiled foreign policy doctrine.
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