U.S. voters are going to the polls to decide whether to give President Barack Obama another term or put his Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, in the White House. Local, state, and national offices and initiatives are also at stake. (14 PHOTOS)
American Voters Choosing A President

A voter enters his polling place to cast his ballot in the state of Ohio.

The 10 registered voters in the small village of Dixville Notch, New Hampshire, wait to cast the first ballots moments after midnight on election day.

Donna Kaye Erwin posts the results after the 10 registered voters in Dixville Notch cast the first election-day ballots.

Voters stand in line before the polls open at Harrison United Methodist Church in Pineville, North Carolina.

Virginia residents wait in line to vote at a historic property called the Hunter House in Vienna, Virginia.

A poll worker prepares 'I Voted' stickers at Harrison United Methodist Church in Pineville, North Carolina.

People vote at the Toledo Lucas County Library in Toledo, Ohio.

A resident steps over chalk drawings in support of President Barack Obama as he enters a recreation center to vote in South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

People enter Washington Mill Elementary School to cast their votes in Alexandria, Virginia.

Voters head to the polls at Stonewall Middle School in Manassas, Virginia.

Voters wait in the rain in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Vice President Joe Biden emerges from a voting booth after casting his ballot in Greenville, Delaware.

A polling site is located in a tent in the Rockaways, New York, as the area struggles to recover from the damage caused by superstorm Sandy.

Voters cast their ballots at a polling station set up for residents of Queens, New York, after the original site was damaged by superstorm Sandy.