News & views on RFE/RL's broadcast region
# George Will doesn't see Afghanistan ending well
# Robert Kagan gives Obama credit for his decision
# Andrew Bacevich calls the decision a "folly"
# Karl Rove thinks Obama can succeed in Afghanistan
# Claire Lockhart thinks Obama's plan offers hope
# Nicholas Kristof is skeptical of an escalation in Afghanistan
# Eliot Cohen on Obama as a war president
# Timothy Garton Ash thinks the U.K. should lead on Pakistan
# Ahmed Rashid on the missing Pakistan strategy
# Pakistani diplomats are alarmed at the new U.S. strategy in Afghanistan
# Brian Katulis thinks Obama's speech forgot Pakistan
# Saeed Laylaz has been sentenced to 9 years in prison
# Anders Aslund doesn't think Russia belongs in the BRIC
# Yevgeny Bazhanov on a smarter policy in the Caucasus for Russia
# Doku Umarov has claimed responsibility for the Nevsky train bombing
# Myriam Benraad on Al-Qaeda's persistence in Iraq
U.S. Politics/Foreign Policy
# The Newshour interviews Robert Gates
# Ben Gilbert on troop reactions to Obama's Afghanistan strategy
# Foreign Policy interviews Bill Clinton
# Embassy Row - The "Washington Times"
# Al Kamen's "In the Loop"
-- Zach Peterson
# George Will doesn't see Afghanistan ending well
# Robert Kagan gives Obama credit for his decision
# Andrew Bacevich calls the decision a "folly"
# Karl Rove thinks Obama can succeed in Afghanistan
# Claire Lockhart thinks Obama's plan offers hope
# Nicholas Kristof is skeptical of an escalation in Afghanistan
# Eliot Cohen on Obama as a war president
# Timothy Garton Ash thinks the U.K. should lead on Pakistan
# Ahmed Rashid on the missing Pakistan strategy
# Pakistani diplomats are alarmed at the new U.S. strategy in Afghanistan
# Brian Katulis thinks Obama's speech forgot Pakistan
# Saeed Laylaz has been sentenced to 9 years in prison
# Anders Aslund doesn't think Russia belongs in the BRIC
# Yevgeny Bazhanov on a smarter policy in the Caucasus for Russia
# Doku Umarov has claimed responsibility for the Nevsky train bombing
# Myriam Benraad on Al-Qaeda's persistence in Iraq
U.S. Politics/Foreign Policy
# The Newshour interviews Robert Gates
# Ben Gilbert on troop reactions to Obama's Afghanistan strategy
# Foreign Policy interviews Bill Clinton
# Embassy Row - The "Washington Times"
# Al Kamen's "In the Loop"
-- Zach Peterson