News & views on RFE/RL's broadcast region
# Geoffrey Robertson says Mir Hussein Mousavi was a war criminal
# "Iran's Green Movement is Down, Not Out" - Timothy Garton Ash, "The Guardian"
# "Is Iran's Regime Finished?" - Reza Aslan, "The Daily Beast"
# Jackson Diehl thinks Iran gains from being sanctioned
# A new public opinion poll shows Pakistanis don't like the war on terror nor the Taliban
# Amnesty Int'l says 4 million Pakistanis are "effectively living under the Taliban"
# "Lessons from the Taliban" - Zafar Hilaly, "News International"
# The "Christian Science Monitor" interviews Gulbuddin Hekmatyar
# "The New York Times" reports on Taliban assassinations
# "Would Killing Mullah Omar Do Any Good?" - Moreau & Yousafzai, "Newsweek"
# "Afghans Weary of Peace Bid" - Sanjay Kumar, "The Diplomat"
# "Pining for a Soviet Paradise" - Vladimir Milov, "Moscow Times"
# "Getting Russia Right" - Ischinger & Weisser, "International Herald Tribune"
# David Kramer discusses U.S.-Russia relations
# "Creating a Nation of Poor, Sick, and Ignorant" - Boris Kagarlitsky, "Moscow Times"
# "The New York Times" reports on mining in Russia's far East
Of Interest
# "How Iraq Can Fortify its Fragile Democracy" - Ayad Allawi
# Matthew Continetti on democracy in Georgia
U.S. Politics/Foreign Policy
# Al Kamen's "In the Loop"
# The U.S. faults Europe for "alienating Turkey"
# John Brown on U.S. cultural diplomacy
# The "PBS Newshour" interviews U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice
# Geoffrey Robertson says Mir Hussein Mousavi was a war criminal
# "Iran's Green Movement is Down, Not Out" - Timothy Garton Ash, "The Guardian"
# "Is Iran's Regime Finished?" - Reza Aslan, "The Daily Beast"
# Jackson Diehl thinks Iran gains from being sanctioned
# A new public opinion poll shows Pakistanis don't like the war on terror nor the Taliban
# Amnesty Int'l says 4 million Pakistanis are "effectively living under the Taliban"
# "Lessons from the Taliban" - Zafar Hilaly, "News International"
# The "Christian Science Monitor" interviews Gulbuddin Hekmatyar
# "The New York Times" reports on Taliban assassinations
# "Would Killing Mullah Omar Do Any Good?" - Moreau & Yousafzai, "Newsweek"
# "Afghans Weary of Peace Bid" - Sanjay Kumar, "The Diplomat"
# "Pining for a Soviet Paradise" - Vladimir Milov, "Moscow Times"
# "Getting Russia Right" - Ischinger & Weisser, "International Herald Tribune"
# David Kramer discusses U.S.-Russia relations
# "Creating a Nation of Poor, Sick, and Ignorant" - Boris Kagarlitsky, "Moscow Times"
# "The New York Times" reports on mining in Russia's far East
Of Interest
# "How Iraq Can Fortify its Fragile Democracy" - Ayad Allawi
# Matthew Continetti on democracy in Georgia
U.S. Politics/Foreign Policy
# Al Kamen's "In the Loop"
# The U.S. faults Europe for "alienating Turkey"
# John Brown on U.S. cultural diplomacy
# The "PBS Newshour" interviews U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice