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Russia Invades Ukraine

International Criminal Court Prosecutor Concerned Over Russian Invasion of Ukraine


The International Criminal Court in The Hague (file photo)
The International Criminal Court in The Hague (file photo)

International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor Karim Khan has expressed his concern over the Russian invasion of Ukraine and said his court may investigate possible war crimes in the country.

"I remind all sides conducting hostilities on the territory of Ukraine that my office may exercise its jurisdiction and investigate any act of genocide, crime against humanity, or war crime committed within Ukraine," Khan said in a statement on February 25.

“It is imperative that all parties to the conflict respect their obligations under international humanitarian law,” Khan said, adding that his office will continue to closely monitor the situation in Ukraine.

In December 2020, the office of the prosecutor announced it had reason to believe war crimes and other crimes were committed during the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

The preliminary examination was closed, but a formal request to judges to open a full investigation has not been filed yet. Judges must agree before an investigation can be opened.

In December last year, Khan said there was no update on the case when asked about progress of the examination.

Russia is not a member of the ICC and has opposed the ICC case.

However, the court can investigate alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity committed on the territory of Ukraine regardless of the nationality of the alleged perpetrators.

Based on reporting by Reuters