On November 21, 2013, Ukrainian journalist Mustafa Nayyem called on Ukrainians to come to Kyiv's Independence Square -- the Maidan. He did so in a tweet.
The tweet, and an accompanying call on Facebook, helped draw protesters to the center of Kyiv to protest then-President Viktor Yanukovych abrupt decision to back out of a deal sealing closer ties with the European Union.
In his tweet, Nayyem asked people to meet in the square at 10:30 p.m., to dress warmly, and to bring umbrellas, tea, coffee, and friends.
One year later, Yanukovych is living in Russia after fleeing Ukraine, Russia has annexed Crimea, parts of eastern Ukraine remain under the control of pro-Moscow separatists, and Ukraine has a new government that faces daunting economic, political, and military challenges.
And the seminal event of the Maidan remains as divisive as ever on Twitter, where some pro-Ukrainian accounts are posting remembrances of the event, while pro-Russian tweeters are marking it with memes and trolling.
From the account @MaidanHistory:
From @euromaidan: "As we once wrote: Maidan now."
From the @EuromaidanPR account:
From blogger Taras Revunets (@ukroblogger):
Pro-Kremlin tweeter Konstantin Rykov (@rykov) posted, "Anniversary of the Maidan. The game looks at an ominous prophecy," adding a link and a screenshot to an online game of Ukraine in a civil war in 2017.
From the @anti_maydan account:
What did Maidan give you?
Faith in a better tomorrow!
But why do you need poverty tomorrow?
From @RussiansForward:
"Congratulations Ukraine on the anniversary of the Maidan," this tweet reads. "Thanks Maidan for Crimea."
The picture says,"They froze, they starved, they died, but nonetheless they stood up for the long-held dream of Crimeans to live in Russia."
And finally this from Mark Sleboda, a "political analyst" for the Kremlin-funded network RT:
-- Luke Johnson