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VKontakte By The Numbers

VKontakte founder Pavel Durov
VKontakte founder Pavel Durov
VKontakte's founder Pavel Durov's resignation has reshaped Russia's social media landscape. What do the numbers tell us about the country's leading social network and its colorful founder?

3 -- The number of languages on the VKontakte site -- Russian, English, and Ukrainian

12 -- The percentage of Pavel Durov's stake in VKontakte at the end of 2013 before he says he was pressured into selling his shares

21 -- Durov's age when he launched VKontakte for beta testing in September 2006

29 -- Durov's age when he sold his remaining shares in VKontakte

39.9 -- The percentage of VKontakte that pro-Kremlin businessman Alisher Usmanov controlled before Durov sold his shares

51.99 -- The percentage that Usmanov controlled after Durov sold his shares

53 -- The percentage of the Russian population that is online

2,000 -- The total value, in U.S. dollars, of the Russian ruble notes Durov folded into paper airplanes and tossed from VKontakte's St. Petersburg offices in 2012. The highly publicized incident led to street brawls outside the company's building

5,000 -- The face value of each Russian ruble banknote that Durov folded into a paper airplane

100,000 -- The number of individuals with VKontakte accounts by February 2007

1 million -- The number of individuals with VKontakte accounts by July 2007

10 million -- The number of individuals with VKontakte accounts by April 2008

13.1 million -- The total number of Russians who have opened Facebook accounts, including inactive accounts

45.8 million -- The number of Russians who say they use Google

46 million -- The number of people who use VKontakte on an average day as of 2013

76 million -- Total number of Internet users in Russia

100 million -- Total number of active VKontakte users in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and elsewhere.

239 million -- total number of VKontakte accounts created worldwide

420 million -- The reported amount, in U.S. dollars, that Durov received for selling his stake in VKontakte

-- Ron Synowitz
Figures are for the second half of 2013. Statistical sources: U.S. Census Bureau,; Craig Smith, a Boston-based digital marketing consultant and editor at Digital Marketing Ramblings; Simon Kemp, Singapore-based social media analyst at "We Are"