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A huge crowd turned out on the National Mall of the U.S. capital for a "Women's March On Washington" in protest at new President Donald Trump.
A huge crowd turned out on the National Mall of the U.S. capital for a "Women's March On Washington" in protest at new President Donald Trump.

Live Blog: Women's March On Washington

Follow the latest developments as women hold human rights rallies in Washington and hundreds of cities around the globe.

Final Synopsis

-- Hundreds of thousands of protesters took to streets in cities across the world on January 21 to show solidarity for a Washington D.C. protest dubbed as the "Women's March" against newly inaugurated U.S. President Donald Trump.

-- The streets were so packed at the main march in Washington, D.C., that it had to be rerouted. One organizer told the crowd that an estimated 500,000 people had assembled for the event, although that claim was not independently confirmed.

-- The event's organizers say they wanted to send a message to "to the world that women's rights are human rights"

-- Besides promoting equal rights for women, the marchers also want to defend marginalized groups, including people of color, ethnic and religious minorities, people with disabilities, and the LGBT community.

-- The organizers said such groups had been "insulted, demonized, and threatened" in the U.S. election cycle that brought Trump to power.

* NOTE: Times are stated according to local time in Washington DC (GMT/UTC -5)

12:40 21.1.2017

12:36 21.1.2017

A few tweets from former Cheers star Kirstie Alley, who bucked the trend in Hollywood when she expressed support for Donald Trump in the spring.

12:30 21.1.2017

Karen Olson, a global coordinator of the Women's March on Washington and catalyst for the local coalition that organized the Geneva march, tells RFE/RL that police told organizers that 2,000 marchers participated in Geneva, more than the 1,000-1,200 expected.

"In Geneva, we decided to hold a women's march in order to create a platform for everyone who agrees that women's rights are human rights and that we must be vigilant to protect the human rights and civil rights of all in this climate of uncertainty created by the rise of populism around the world that is acting as a vehicle for racism, sexism, bigotry, xenophobia, nationalism, and isolationism. Our key values are equality, diversity and inclusion with a focus on the cross-cutting issue of climate which affects us all."

"We in Geneva have understood that the old formula 'Think Global, Act Local' is now updated to 'Mobilize Global, Organize Local.'"

12:28 21.1.2017

12:26 21.1.2017

Yet more Piers Morgan:

12:24 21.1.2017

12:24 21.1.2017

A glitch in Chicago:

12:22 21.1.2017

More Piers Morgan:

12:20 21.1.2017

12:19 21.1.2017

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