Scenes Of Devastation: A Walk Around Osh

Burned-out buildings and a vehicle in the ethnic Uzbek Cheremushky neighborhood of Osh -

Burned-out stores in Osh city center

Burned-out stores in Osh city center

Burned-out stores in Osh city center

An ethnic Uzbek-owned restaurant in Osh city center was ransacked.

Burned-out stores in Osh city center

This school for ethnic Uzbeks in Osh was destroyed in the violence.

A sign for the Russian language department at the destroyed Uzbek school in Osh

The exterior of the ethnic Uzbek school in Osh

Scene of destruction in Osh's ethnic Uzbek Cheremushky neighborhood -

This ethnic Uzbek woman is the only resident of her street in Osh's Cheremushky neighborhood. -

Scene of destruction in Osh's ethnic Uzbek Cheremushky neighborhood -

Scene of destruction in Osh's ethnic Uzbek Cheremushky neighborhood -

A Kyrgyz-owned store, just across the street from other burned-out buildings in Osh, is unscathed by the unrest.