Clash Between Ethnic Russians, Dargins Leaves One Dead

A television screen grab show a victim of the mass clashes.

STAVROPOL -- One person has been killed in an ethnic clash involving hundreds of people in Stavropol Krai in southern Russia, RFE/RL's Russian Service reports.

The fight took place on the night of August 19 in the village of Pelagiada and resulted in the death of an ethnic Dargin.

Police report that several ethnic Russians and ethnic Dargins got into a fight that escalated and police were unable to stop.

Some weapons, including at least one gun, were reportedly used in the fight in which several people were injured. Local media reports that eventually some 300 people were involved in the clash.

In June, at least eight people were severely injured in a mass ethnic clash between Dargins and Nogays in Stavropol Krai.

There are some 2.7 million people in Stavropol Krai, which has more than 33 ethnic groups of at least 2,000 people, making it one of the most diverse territories in Russia.