Top Belarusian Investigator Moved From KGB Jail To House Arrest

Arrested investigator Svyatlana Baykova

MINSK -- Jailed Belarusian investigator Svyatlana Baykova has been transferred from a Committee for State Security (KGB) detention center to house arrest, RFE/RL's Belarus Service reports.

Officials at the Prosecutor-General's Office told RFE/RL on August 25 that Baykova is still under investigation, and her detention has been officially prolonged until October 9.

Baykova was arrested six months ago while investigating corruption among high-ranking KGB personnel. She addressed an appeal to President Alyaksandr Lukashenka in June urging him as the guarantor of the country's constitution to protect her constitutional rights. According to her lawyer, Mikhail Vouchak, Baykova asked Lukashenka to help secure her release and to put a stop to the "illegal actions of some KGB officers against her."

Baykova is accused of the illegal closure of the investigation against prominent businessman Pavel Malochka, who was allegedly involved in smuggling, and of helping customs officers escape justice. Baykova insists she is not guilty.

Vouchak says Baykova's health has deteriorated since she staged a 10-day hunger strike in June.