Most Americans Favor Military Action To Prevent Nuclear-Armed Iran

Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad delivers a speech to the country's Atomic Energy Organization during a ceremony to mark National Nuclear Day in Tehran in April.

A survey by the U.S.-based Pew Research Center says 63 percent of Americans would be in favor of taking military action to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

Majorities of those surveyed in Western Europe also expressed support for military action to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran.

The survey found widespread opposition to Iran obtaining nuclear weapons in 21 countries, including Russia, China, and Lebanon.

According to the survey, released on May 18, in most countries there is majority support among opponents of a nuclear-armed Iran for international economic sanctions to try to stop Tehran's alleged weapons program.

However, the Chinese and Russians who took part in the survey opposed tough sanctions on Iran and also military strikes.

Iran says all of its nuclear activities are for peaceful purposes.