Moldova Grants Citizenship To Romania's Former President Traian Basescu

Former Romanian President Traian Basescu

Moldova has granted citizenship to former Romanian President Traian Basescu and his wife, saying the move is recognition for Basescu’s work to strengthen ties between the two countries.

Ana Samson, a spokesman for the Moldovan president’s office, said on June 9 that citizenship for Basecu and his wife Maria was granted on the basis of a request they had made in March.

Basescu, who was president of Romania from 2004 to 2014, led the country during its accession into the European Union at the start of 2007.

During his presidency, Basescu cleared the way for thousands of Moldovans with Romanian grandparents or parents to become Romanian citizens.

Basescu also lobbied for Moldova to move closer to the EU.

Moldova, which had been part of Romania before World War II, signed an association agreement with the EU in 2014 despite opposition from Russia.

With reporting by AP