Moldovan Coalition Party Suggests Solution To Political Deadlock

Mihai Ghimpu

CHISINAU -- A junior partner in Moldova's coalition government says it is ready to accept a castling between acting President Marian Lupu and Prime Minister Vlad Filat as a way out of the country's prolonged political deadlock, RFE/RL Moldovan Service reports.

That proposed change to the coalition agreement by the Liberal Party would entail its leader, Mihai Ghimpu, regaining the post of parliament speaker, which is currently held by Lupu.

But the Liberals said they will oppose any other major changes to the center-right governing Alliance for the European Integration that could bring the communists back to power, party Vice President Boris Vieru told RFE/RL.

Vieru was commenting on Filat's proposal to renegotiate the coalition agreement between his Liberal-Democrats, the Liberals, and the Democrats.

The three parties agreed to share the top jobs in the country when they came to power in 2009, but lack the 61 parliament votes required by the constitution to elect a president.

The opposition Communist Party rejected Lupu -- a former communist and the presidential candidate designated by the alliance. The failure to elect a president triggered early parliamentary elections last November, but the outcome of those elections was inconclusive.

Filat said on August 10 that Lupu's chances of being elected president are becoming more and more "unattainable." He warned that his coalition partners' hopes of changing the constitution by a simple majority vote in the parliament are futile, and the Liberal Democrats will not participate in "such an adventure."

The Liberal Democrats say the best way to break the two-year deadlock over electing a president is to renew negotiations with the Communist Party to identify a "neutral" candidate.

But both Democrats and Liberals say any power-sharing agreement with the Communists would destroy the center-right coalition and likely slow down Moldova's European integration.