Serbia Prosecutors Launch Probe Into Allegations Of Vote Fraud In December 17 Elections

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic gestures during a political rally of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) at the Stark Arena in Belgrade on December 2, ahead of the December 17 elections.

The Serbian Prosecutor's Office on December 23 said it has launched an investigation into allegations of fraud during recent elections after it said it received reports of possible irregularities, including vote buying and the falsifying of ballots and signatures. President Aleksandar Vucic's ruling SNS party claimed it had secured commanding victories in the December 17 parliamentary and local elections, but the second-place Pro-Europe Serbia Against Violence coalition said it didn't recognize the results, claiming widespread fraud. The OSCE and other international observers denounced what they called a series of "irregularities" in the voting. Domestic nongovernmental election-monitoring groups also alleged irregularities following the vote. To read the original story by RFE/RL's Balkan Service, click here.