Afghan Suicide Attack Kills Two At Koran-Burning NATO Site

Thirty people died in the riots that followed the Koran-burning revelations at the NATO base.

A suicide bomber in Afghanistan has killed at least two civilians at the U.S. military base where copies of the Koran were controversially burned last month.

Afghan officials say the bomber targeted a vehicle belonging to the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force outside gates leading to the Bagram air base.

A NATO spokeswoman said no coalition troops had been injured in the attack.

The Taliban militia has claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it was "revenge" for the Koran burning.

The burnings of the Muslim holy book at Bagram in February base brought U.S.-Afghan relations to a new low and sparked widespread anti-Western protests that left 30 people dead.

NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen on March 5 described the Koran burning as "unfortunate" but "unintentional."

With Reuters, AFP, and dpa reporting