Several Wounded In Russian Shelling Of Kherson Cathedral, Trolleybus; Kyiv Attacked With Drones

Natalya Zaichenko, 60, tends to the grave of her son, a Ukrainian soldier who was killed in the war against Russia, in Kyiv on August 3.

Several people were wounded, one of them seriously, in the Russian shelling of the southern Ukrainian city of Kherson, local authorities said on August 3, shortly after Russia launched a fresh wave of drone attacks on Kyiv for the second day in a row.

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Russian troops shelled Kherson's St. Catherine Cathedral and the surrounding area twice during the morning hours, Oleksandr Tolokonnikov, a spokesman of the regional military administration told RFE/RL.

In the first incident, a passing trolleybus was hit and three people were wounded. One of them, an elderly man, was in critical condition, Tolokonnikov said.

Four members of rescue teams that rushed to put out a fire at the cathedral following the first attack were wounded in a second shelling of the site, Ukraine's Interior Ministry said in a statement.

Kherson, which was liberated by Ukrainian troops in November, has been repeatedly targeted by Russian shelling from the left bank of the Dnieper River.

A Russian missile attack on August 1 hit a hospital in Kherson, killing a doctor and injuring several medical workers.

The drone attack on Kyiv was repelled without causing damage or casualties according to preliminary information, the region's governor said early on August 3.

"Again, like yesterday, the wave of attacks was massive. Eight consecutive attacks of [Iranian-made] Shahed drones on Kyiv," regional Governor Serhiy Popko said on Telegram.

"Almost a dozen [drones] were detected and destroyed by the air defense on the approach to Kyiv," Popko said, adding that "according to our current information, there were no victims or destruction in the capital."

Kyiv was under an air-raid alert for three hours, until 4 a.m., Popko said, adding that this was the 820th air-raid alert for the capital since the beginning of Russia's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine.

On August 2, more than 10 drones were shot down over Kyiv, with the debris causing some damage in parts of the city.

Since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, 10,749 civilians, including 499 children, have been killed and another 15,599 have been wounded -- 1,900 of them children, Ukraine's Prosecutor-General's Office said on August 3.

"We understand that these figures are just the tip of the iceberg. When we de-occupy our territories, these numbers are likely to grow many times -- possibly dozens of times. I think that there will be tens of thousands of dead in Mariupol alone," Yuriy Belousov, an official with the Prosecutor-General's Office told Interfax-Ukraine.

Also on August 2, Russian drone strikes damaged grain facilities at the Ukrainian ports of Izmayil and Odesa.

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A grain silo was damaged in Izmayil, one of the two Danube ports that Ukraine has been using to export its grain since Moscow refused to extend a Turkey- and UN-brokered deal that had allowed the export of Ukrainian grain and other produce by sea.

Infrastructure Minister Oleksandr Kubrakov said almost 40,000 tons of grain in the warehouses and elevators in Izmayil that were waiting to be exported to African countries, China, and Israel had been destroyed.

Izmayil is located some 15 kilometers north of Tulcea, a major Danube port of NATO member Romania. Last week, Russian drones struck Reni, the other Danube port used by Ukraine to export grain. Reni is some 200 meters across the Danube from Romania.

In Odesa, Russian drones struck grain storage facilities and destroyed a grain elevator.

Odesa, Ukraine's main Black Sea port, has been increasingly subjected to Russian shelling and drone attacks since Russia's withdrawal from the grain deal.

State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said Russia has destroyed 180,000 tons of grain inside Ukraine, including 40,000 tons destroyed on August 2, since refusing to extend the grain deal.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called on his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, to abstain from moves that would exacerbate tensions, Erdogan's office said after the two leaders held a phone call.

Romania's Danube administration agency said it will clear up to 30 ships waiting to enter the Black Sea from Ukrainian inland ports by August 4, following a Russian attack on the port of Izmayil.

"We are trying to handle these clusters as best we can, to relieve navigation congestion on the Danube," Florin Uzumtoma, the administration's navigation director, told Reuters. "We will clear around 30 ships in two days, at least 12 today, if not 14, and the rest tomorrow."

On the battlefield, Ukrainian forces repelled counterattacks by Russian troops in the area of Staromayorske in the Donetsk region, the military's media center reported on August 3.

Staromayorske was recaptured by Ukrainian forces on July 27.

Ukrainian forces were making gradual advances in the Bakhmut area of Donetsk, Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Malyar said on Telegram.

Russian forces had "tried quite persistently to halt our advance in the Bakhmut sector. Without success," she wrote.

WATCH: The Ukrainian capital has completed dismantling the Soviet emblem from the Motherland Monument towering in the center of the city. The Ukrainian Culture Ministry plans to have the Ukrainian trident instead of the old Soviet coat of arms on the statue by Independence Day on August 24.

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Hammer Down: Soviet Emblem Dismantled From Kyiv's Massive Motherland Monument

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said that Kyiv's troops were faced with brutal fighting all along the front, but were prevailing nonetheless.

"The occupiers are trying to stop our guys with all their might. The attacks are very brutal," Zelenskiy said, adding that "it is hard everywhere. But whatever the enemy does, it is the Ukrainian force that dominates."

The General Staff on August 3 recorded about 30 combat clashes at the front.

It said that in the area around the eastern city of Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces were holding back the Russian offensive to the south and southeast of Ivanovskiy. The headquarters recorded air strikes on three settlements and shelling of 15 more in the area, the General Staff said in its evening briefing.

"In the Avdiyivka direction, the enemy launched an air strike...[and] carried out unsuccessful offensive actions north and southeast of Avdiyivka and southeast of Pervomayiskiy in the Donetsk region." Other communities in the area were "subjected to artillery shelling," the summary said.

Ukrainian forces also continue to repulse Russian attacks near Avdiyivka and attempts to regain lost positions west of Staromayorske and east of Urozhany, the report said.

The battlefield claims could not be independently verified.

Russian troops in Zaporizhzhya are focused on preventing the further advance of Ukrainian troops, while Ukrainian forces "continue to conduct an offensive operation in the Melitopol and Berdyansk directions, establish themselves at the reached borders, and carry out counterbattery combat measures," the General Staff said.

The General Staff reports 10 air strikes on concentrations of Russian troops and equipment, as well as a total of 18 missile and artillery strikes on Russian positions.

With reporting by Reuters and AFP