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The Newseum has memorialized 14 journalists killed while working in 2014, including four who met their deaths in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Ukraine.

The journalists were added to the museum's memorial wall in Washington, D.C.

Among those honored were Associated Press reporter Anja Niedringhaus, 48, who was killed at a security checkpoint in Afghanistan, and Nils Horner, 51, who was shot in the head while on his way to conduct an interview in Afghanistan.

Also memorialized was Irshad Mastoi, 34, who was killed when two gunmen burst into the offices of the Online International News Network in Pakistan.

Another honoree was Vyacheslav Veremiy, 32, who was shot when he stopped to film a group of armed masked men in Ukraine.

At least 60 journalists died while doing their jobs in 2014. The honorees do not include all of the 17 journalists killed in Syria alone last year, several of them beheaded publicly by the Islamic State. Those killed in the Charlie Hebdo attack in January are also not listed.

"What brings us to countries so far from home is often a real desire to understand the world around us," said Kathy Gannon, who was severely wounded in the attack that killed Niedringhaus.

Based on reporting by AP and

The mother of detained Washington Post correspondent Jason Rezaian said on June 8 that Iran has charged her son for "reporting on a country that he loves," as he addressed the judge overseeing his closed-door espionage trial.

Details of Rezaian's second court hearing were vague in Iranian media accounts, although the semiofficial Tasnim news agency said the 39-year-old bureau chief defended himself in English.

The agency said a translator later handed the judge a transcript of his remarks in Persian.

Rezaian faces charges of espionage and propaganda against the Islamic republic, which carry 10 to 20 years in prison.

U.S. officials, the Washington Post, and rights groups have strongly criticized Rezaian's trial, demanding he be freed.

"He is being accused of being a master spy when all he was doing was reporting on a country that he loves. So it is very hard for him," Mary Rezaian said.

His wife, Yeganeh Salehi, declined to discuss the trial, only saying: "I am not in a good state."

Based on reporting by AP and Washington Post

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