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State media in Turkmenistan are reporting that some 1,020 prisoners have been pardoned by President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov.

State media quotes Berdymukhammedov as saying the amnesty was linked to the 24th anniversary of the Central Asian nation's independence, which is marked on October 27.

According to the reports, Berdymukhammedov signed the decree on amnesty on October 26 "following a long-established noble tradition" at the joint session of the cabinet and the State Security Council.

Before Berdymukhammedov’s presidency, his predecessor, Saparmurat Niyazov, issued similar amnesty decrees once a year, in the holy month of Ramadan.

Berdymukhammedov has issued such decrees several times a year, usually on the eve of state holidays. His last clemency, announced in May, pardoned 1,200 inmates on the eve of the Constitution Day, marked in Turkmenistan on May 18.

Based on reports by and Interfax

The UN's special rapporteur on human rights in Iran says Iranian authorities seem more willing to engage with the United Nations on human rights.

Ahmed Shaheed, who is due to present his annual report to the General Assembly this week, described this year's report on October 26 as "marginally more optimistic" than previous ones.

"The real reason for that is that I am witnessing a greater desire on behalf of Iran to engage with me and the UN," Shaheed told reporters in New York.

But he also said Iran had yet to take concrete steps to improve its rights record, criticizing Tehran for "rising executions" and for jailing some 40 journalists so far the year.

He also said the nuclear agreement reached this summer with world powers would "present opportunities for advancing human rights."

Based on reporting by AFP and AP

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