Lavrov said today that Moscow welcomes the results of the 10 July election, and the fact that it passed without incident or serious violations.
Bakiev is a former prime minister and the leader of a popular uprising in March that caused President Askar Akaev to flee Kyrgyzstan.
Relations between Russia and Kyrgyzstan's new authorities have recently shown signs of improving, after a period of uncertainty.
For RFE/RL's full coverage of Kyrgyzstan's presidential election, see "Kyrgyzstan Votes 2005"
Bakiev is a former prime minister and the leader of a popular uprising in March that caused President Askar Akaev to flee Kyrgyzstan.
Relations between Russia and Kyrgyzstan's new authorities have recently shown signs of improving, after a period of uncertainty.
For RFE/RL's full coverage of Kyrgyzstan's presidential election, see "Kyrgyzstan Votes 2005"