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Pakistan Says Al-Qaeda Figure Killed In U.S. Strike

Ayman al-Zawahri (left) with Osama bin Laden (epa) 11 February 2006 -- Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf said today that a U.S. missile strike last month in Pakistan killed a close relative of Al-Qaeda's No. 2 leader and another terror suspect wanted by the United States.

Musharraf made the comment in a speech today at a gathering of tribal elders in Peshawar. He did not provide the names of the dead.

The Pakistani leader said five foreigners were killed in the U.S. attack in Bajur and that one of them was a close relative of Ayman al-Zawahri, and that the other was also wanted by the United States.

(AP, Reuters)

Who Is Ayman al-Zawahri?

Who Is Ayman al-Zawahri?

AYMAN AL-ZAWAHRI is regarded as Al-Qaeda's No. 2 authority. Although al-Zawahri is lesser known than Osama bin Laden, some observers say the deputy is just as powerful as the chief....(more)

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