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Child Labor In Asia Declining

Illegal Tajik migrants at work in a field in the Volgograd region of Russia (ITAR-TASS) August 31, 2006 – The number of working children in Asia has dropped by about 5 million since 2000, the UN's International Labor Organization (ILO) said today.

There are still an estimated 122 million working children on the continent.

The ILO said the key problem is that millions of family cannot afford to pay school costs or to do without the extra income.


Education And Islam

Education And Islam
An Afghan child prepares for the first day of school(epa file photo)

KEEPING KIDS IN SCHOOL. Education raises many vexing social issues in impoverished and predominantly Muslim countries like Afghanistan and the countries of Central Asia. In these countries, many students fail to complete their education for reasons ranging from poverty to discrimination.
“One of the main problems is the distance between the child’s home and the nearest school building. This is particularly a problem for adolescent girls because families quite understandably don’t feel comfortable allowing the girls to walk long distances unaccompanied to the classrooms,” says a UN aid worker in Afghanistan...(more).

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