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Small Plane Crashes Into Building In New York

New York City firefighters examine wreckage of plane on October 11 (epa) October 12, 2006 -- A small plane crashed into a 50-story building in New York City on October 11, killing two people, but authorities quickly ruled out terrorism as the cause.

Among the dead was the pilot, Cory Lidle, who was a member of the New York Yankees baseball team. Lidle, 34, also owned the four-seat, single-engine plane. A spokesperson for New York Presbyterian Hospital said nine injured people had been treated.

Despite the fact that authorities ruled out terrorism as the cause, U.S. military jets began patrolling the skies around several major U.S. cities after the crash, according to the North American Aerospace Defense Command.

The Federal Aviation Authority said it imposed temporary flight restrictions at New York area airports, which caused some flight delays.

A White House spokesperson said President George W. Bush was notified of the crash and his staff was gathering information, but had no immediate comment.

(compiled from agency reports)