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Afghanistan: Accord On Interim Government Delayed

Bonn, 3 December 2001 (RFE/RL) -- After almost a week of talks, Afghan leaders are meeting today near the German city of Bonn in another bid to finalize an accord creating an interim government. UN officials had hoped the four Afghan groups would sign the accord today. But a tough round of negotiations over the allocation of posts in the 23-member cabinet-style interim administration forced the UN to delay the talks for another day. Officials are now hoping that the conference can be wound up by tomorrow.

The interim administration provides a key part of the provisional political structure which is to guide Afghanistan for up to about six months before handing over to a transitional government.

Our correspondent says Abdul Sattar Sirat has emerged as a leading candidate to head the interim administration. Sirat, an Uzbek, is a top aide to exiled former King Zahir Shah.