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Tatar-Bashkir Report: May 6, 2005

6 May 2005
One In Five Tatarstan Residents Said To Be Employed Illegally
First Deputy Prime Minister Rawyl Moratov told the 5 May meeting of the republican commission to combat the illegal labor market that the Tatar cabinet is unhappy with the commission's work. Recent research suggests that one in five employees has no employment contract, RFE/RL's Kazan bureau reported the next day. The research, conducted by the republican branch of the federal statistics office, covered 11,000 anonymous respondents. The "gray" labor force was reportedly dominated by retirees (50 percent), students (20 percent), and those officially registered as unemployed and housewives (30 percent).

Commenting on the figures, Moratov said he considers the inefficiency of territorial commissions to combat the phenomenon an "expression of the elements of corruption." He warned of administrative and legal sanctions for those found to have violated the law.

World Tatar Congress Hosts Conference On World War II
Tatarstan presidential adviser Refeil Khekimov told a scientific conference held under the auspices of the World Tatar Congress and devoted to the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II that "while Germany has already managed to draw its own conclusions from the past and occupy a decent place in international society, Russia still has problems with understanding the lessons of the war." Khekimov and other historians have said that ethnic Tatars were distinguished by dedicated service to the Red Army and heroism during the war.

Russian President Honors Tatarstan Racing Team
President Vladimir Putin on 5 May honored members of the KamAZ-Master truck-racing team to mark their achievements in international the Paris-to-Dakar off-road rally, Tatarinform reported. The team has won its category five years in a row.

Compiled by Iskender Nurmi

Bashkir Interior Ministry Looks Into Shooting Death Of Ufa Police Officer
Bashkir Interior Minister Refeil Divaev has disciplined 10 unnamed high-ranking Bashkir police officers for "violations in the work of police stations" following a 25 April incident in which police Lieutenant Yelena Feoktistova shot and killed Major Dmitrii Breev in her office, an RFE/RL Ufa correspondent reported the same day. According to Feoktistova, the shot that killed Breev was accidental and occurred as she was examining his pistol in her hands.

No charges against Feoktistova have reportedly been filed so far, though Divaev's subordinates at Ufa city police headquarters received official warnings and the city's deputy police chief in charge of human resources, Tahir Tuygunov, was removed from his position.

President's Son Keeps Control Over Bashkirenergo
Ural Rakhimov, son of Bashkir President Murtaza Rakhimov, was reelected as chairman of Bashkirenergo on 5 May, an RFE/RL Ufa correspondent reported the same day. Bashkirenergo is currently run by a company called the Regional Institute of Economy and Law, of which Ural Rakhimov is general director. The institute reportedly manages stakes in Bashkortostan's fuel and energy industry companies. As a result, Bashkirenergo is now under the strong influence of Bashkir companies while Russia's Unified Energy Systems and private individuals remain minor shareholders.

Compiled by Iskender Nurmi