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Tatar-Bashkir Report: July 5, 2005

5 July 2005
Shaimiev Criticizes Moscow�s Tax Policy
Tatarstan�s President Mintimer Shaimiev on 1 July in Nizhnii Novgorod sharply criticized Russian Finance Minister Aleksei Kudrin for plans to deprive federation entities from the income tax. Shaimiev made his comments at a meeting of the council under the presidential Volga Federal District envoy in which Kudrin took part. Shaimiev also opposed Moscow�s plans to introduce a 20-percent excise on gasoline production, calling the move �wrecking� that will result in the �death of oil cities.� Commenting on proposals to postpone introduction of the law on local self-government, Shaimiev said Tatarstan is ready as a whole for its implementation. On 2 July, Shaimiev joined the celebration of Kaliningrad�s 750th anniversary and the session of the Russia�s State Council which discussed the issue of extending the role of federation subjects in country�s socioeconomic development.

Rosbank Gives Kazan 1 Billion Rubles� Credit
Kazan Mayor Kamil Iskhaqov said on 4 July that the Kazan administration and Moscow�s Rosbank signed on 1 July 1 billion rubles� ($34.7 million) credit agreement, AK&M reported the same day. Iskhaqov said the money will be transferred in several days. To repay the credit, the Kazan administration will issue bonds. Some part of the credit will be used for repairing and maintenance of Kazan while the main part will be invested into sectors where return of the money is guaranteed, Iskhaqov said. In May 2004, a consortium between Rosbank and the Kazan Investment Company TatInk won an open tender for distribution of the 1 billion rubles� loan for Kazan.

15,000 Policemen To Be On Duty During Kazan Millennium Celebrations
Kazan Interior Directorate Head Fayaz Shabanov told a briefing in the Kazan administration on 4 July that 15,000 interior employees will be securing public order during celebration of the Kazan millennium in August, including 7,000 who will come in the Tatarstan�s capital from 65 regions of Russia, reported the same day. Shabanov said places where mass actions are held will be equipped with video observation systems that will sent a signal to the Kazan Interior Directorate as well as with tourniquets and metal detectors. Shabanov said there are no plans to introduce stricter passport regime during the festivities but he advised residents, however, to have their personal certificates with them while attending mass events. Some traffic restrictions will be introduced in the streets nearby places of mass festivities, Shabanov said.

Compiled by Gulnara Khasanova

Rakhimov Lauds Extension Of Regional Leaders� Authority
President Murtaza Rakhimov praised the decree signed by President Vladimir Putin on 2 July to extend powers of heads of federation entities, RosBalt reported on 4 July, citing the Bashkir presidential press service. On his return from Kaliningrad where he took part in the meeting of the Russian State Council on 2 July, Rakhimov said the decree �eliminates one of major shortcomings of the state system on the current stage -- parallelism and duplication of powers by federal and regional authority bodies.� According to the decree, candidacies of heads of federal agencies� territorial bodies should be agreed with heads of regions. State Council�s working group has determined totally 114 powers due to be passed from federal bodies to federation subjects.

Investigation On Case Against Opposition Prolonged
Investigation into the criminal case on public calls by Bashkortostan�s opposition leaders to extremist actions has been prolonged till 1 August, RosBalt reported on 4 July, citing an unidentified source in republic�s prosecutor�s office. A group of experts has completed a linguistic expertise of statements by opposition leaders made at the meetings in Ufa on 26 March and in Moscow on 7 April and currently is holding the second linguistic expertise, the source said. According to the source, allegations concern Bashkir National Congress head Airat Dilmokhemmetov and no charges are brought against other speechmakers at the meetings. Bashkortostan�s Prosecutor Aleksandr Konovalov filed the criminal case on 1 April in the wake of the 26 March meeting in Ufa during which calls for overthrow of the state system were allegedly made. Russian Federal Security Service�s Bashkortostan�s Board (UFSB) is investigating the case. UFSB Head Igor Chernokov have stated about his plans to appeal to the Justice Ministry�s Bashkortostan�s Board to ban member-organizations of Bashkortostan�s united opposition.

Compiled by Gulnara Khasanova