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Tatar-Bashkir Report: November 8, 2004

8 November 2004
Tatarstan Discusses Industrial Cooperation With South Korea
A Tatar governmental delegation headed by Prime Minister Rustam Minnikhanov is on a four-day visit to South Korea on 6-10 November for talks with ministers, and senior management of LG International and LG Engineering and Industrial Corp. on joint projects for equipping the Tuben Kama Oil Refining Plant and renovating the facilities of the joint Tatar-Ukrainian Ukrtatnafta petrochemical plant, RFE/RL's Kazan bureau reported on 8 November. The delegation, including the directors of major Tatar industries, is also due to negotiate with representatives of the Heson carpet company and potential parts producers for the KamAZ automotive concern.

Ukrainian Parliament Halts Transfer Of Ukrtatnafta Shares To Naftogaz
Ukraine's Verkhovna Rada voted on 5 November to impose a temporary moratorium on privatization of the country's petrochemical industries, thus nixing the planned handover of the 43 percent share package in Ukrtatnafta and 25 percent in the Galichina petrochemical plant to the state-owned Naftogaz Ukraini, "Kommersant" wrote the next day. According to the daily, parliament's actions are contrary to the intentions of the Ukrainian cabinet and have exacerbated disunity among Ukrtatnafta shareholders in Tatarstan. Tatar shareholders currently own 55 percent of shares in the venture. In September, the Ukrainian-owned 43 percent share package was handed to the state-owned Naftogaz Ukraini. Previously, Tatneft had stated its interest in taking over the package. The situation is to be discussed by Ukrtatnafta shareholders on 12 November.

Belarus Interested In Importing More Oil From Tatarstan
Belarus's Belneftekhim petrochemical company is negotiating with Tatneft about the possibility of exporting more oil from the previously agreed 300,000 tons in the last quarter of 2004 to 300,000 tons per month, PRIME-TASS reported on 6 November, citing an unnamed Tatar official. According to a September agreement, Tatneft is to supply Belarus with 1.2 million tons of oil out of a total 18.5 million tons to be exported from Russia in 2005.

Compiled by Iskender Nurmi

Ufa Seeks To Purchase Austrian Rain Water Processing Plant...
During his recent visit to Vienna, Ufa Mayor Pavel Kachkaev signed a protocol of intentions with the Austrian-based VADO engineering company on the purchase of a rain water processing plant, "Kommersant" reported on 6 November. Ufa's city administration is seeking to lessen environmental damage by using modern recycling technologies. Both sides have reportedly agreed on a payment plan: up to 10 million euros ($12.9 million) to be paid in equal shares over the next seven years. Meanwhile, the plant is expected to fully pay for itself by 2020.

...And Steps Up Moonshine Inspections
Ufa's city administration has issued a decree on the mandatory inspection of all cosmetics, perfumes, and home detergents, which contain alcohol, Vsya Ufa TV reported on 5 November. The measures have reportedly been introduced to counter the frequent cases of poisoning with such liquids after people drink them for their alcohol content. In September, four people died and six more were hospitalized after drinking such liquids in the village of Kurochkino near Ufa.

Compiled by Iskender Nurmi