6 February 2001
State Council Won't Challenge Court on Language Requirement
The State Council will not dispute the 2 February verdict of Supreme Court dropping a requirement that presidential candidates know both Tatar and Russian, Tatarinform reported on 5 February. Chairman of the parliamentary Commission on government, local self-government and foreign affairs Vasily Loginov, who heads the parliament's government affairs committee, said that the court's decision changed little as the rule was not being enforced.
Russian Navy To Make Purchases in Tatarstan
Admiral Vladimir Kuroyedov will visit Tatarstan 6-8 February to discuss future military orders with the republic's defense industry factories, Rosbusiness Consulting agency reported. He will also meet President Mintimir Shaimiev.
Per Minute System Costs Telephone Company
Subscribers have cut their usage of telephones ever since the Kazan telephone company introduced per minute charges and the company has lost some 400,000 rubles ($14,000) as a result, an RFE\RL correspondent reported on 5 February.
20th Presidential Candidate Applies for Registration
The Central Election Commission reported on 5 February that 59-year-old pensioner Flera Nigmetzyanova had become the 20th person to register as a presidential candidate. She must still collect 50,000 signatures in the next seven days to be put on the ballot.
Tatneft Expands Activities Abroad
The Tatneft oil company will now work with Vietnamese firms, having already established ties with enterprises in Iran, Jordan and Iraq.
Compiled by Iskender Nurmi
Bashkir Legislators Resume Harmonization Process
The Legislative Chamber of the State Assembly on 8 February will discuss amendments to laws on public organizations, foreign trade, investments, mass media and taxation in order to bring them into line with federal legislation.
Bashkir Denounces Corruption In Russia
Nikolai Pustovit, the director of an experimental plant under the Academy of Sciecnes told Bashinform on 5 February that his enterprise faced terrible corruption whenever it tried to work in Russia and that the level of corruption there was making it impossible to develop or revive important enterprises.
Bashkir Economy Grew 4 Percent in 2000
AROMI reported on 5 February that the republic's gross regional product increased by 4% in 2000, reaching 164 million rubles ($ 6 million). But it noted that 43% of all companies there remain unprofitable.
Drug Traffickers Detained In Ufa
Police arrested two Uzbekistan citizens for attempting to sell hashish at the Ufa bus station on 3 February.
Compiled by Iskender Nurmi