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Tatar-Bashkir Report: May 8, 2001

8 May 2001
President Thanks Veterans on Victory Day Anniversary
President Mintimer Shaimiev expressed his thanks to World War II veterans and those who lost their lives to fight fascism, news services reported. A group of British veterans arrived in Kazan on 8 May to take part in the commemorations.

Tatenergo Turns Off Power to Tuben Kama Apartments
Tatenergo has begun to turn off power to individuals who owe on their electric power bills to try to recover payment. Approximately 100 apartments will be affected. But there are more than 6,000 debtors who owe collectively 26 million rubles ($900,000).

Special Body to Fight Money-Laundering Established
The Cabinet of Ministers on 7 May issued a decree forming a special body to fight money laundering in Tatarstan. It includes representatives from the State Security Committee, the Interior Ministry, the Tax Service, the Ministry of Finance and federal bodies.

Muslim Leader Seeks Help from Jordan
Gusman khazret Iskhaq, the rector of the Islamic University in Kazan, is going to Jordan to seek instructors for his institution, the Muslim Religious Board said on 7 May.

Moscow Takes Over Republic Communications Body
Tatarstan's State Communications Monitoring Board will once again be subordinate to the analogous federal bureaucracy and will hand over its equipment and premises, Tatarinform reported on 7 May.

Kazan Company Enters European Market
Tatarstan's Alton clothes factory will sell its goods to the Woolworth and Marx & Spencer stores network, Tatarinform reported on 8 May.

Compiled by Iskender Nurmi

Tax Revenues Rise
Bashkortostan's tax officials gathered on 7 May to discuss the collection taxes so far in 2001, RFE\RL's Ufa correspondent reported. They said that the tax revenues from companies and individuals this year were 8% and 16% higher respectively compared to the same period of 2000.

Floods Peak in Ufa Area
The Kirov and Lenin districts of Ufa remain the most flooded areas of Bashkortostan, with water level exceeding floodstage by 2 meters, Bashkir media reported. Some 4283 houses with 16,858 residents are under water and 556 people have been evacuated.

Compiled by Iskender Nurmi