7 June 2000
Opposition Roundtable Calls For Abolishment Of Tatarstan's Presidency
A roundtable uniting Tatarstan's opposition parties and movements is prepared to discuss with the Volga district's presidential representative, Sergei Kirienko, the "urgent problems of Tatarstan's political life and take an active part in measures aimed at strengthening Russian statehood, protecting human rights and freedoms," the daily "Vremya i Dengi" reported on 6 June. Six parties participating in the roundtable wrote in a letter addressed to Kirienko that while there was no control on the side of federal bodies, the constitution and laws that were adopted in Tatarstan that contradict the Russian Constitution, federal laws, and violate human rights and freedoms of Russian citizens. They claimed in the letter that in the republic "an electoral system was created which excludes the possibility for public control over elections" and lets the authorities keep the opposition far from power. Some of the measures suggested in the letter needed to "establish a legitimate authority in Tatarstan," are the abolishment of post of the presidency and the introduction of a parliamentary form of government in Tatarstan.
Kazan Aircraft Plant To Sell Two Planes For Leasing
A contract on the leasing by the Khabarovsk air company Daliavia of two TU-214 aircrafts that are being manufactured in Tatarstan was signed by the Kazan Air Industrial Association, the governments of Tatarstan and Khabarovsk Krai, Daliavia, and the Finance Leasing Company, Kommersant reported. A scheme of financing the $32 million project and repaying credits was reportedly settled at a recent meeting held by Tatarstan's prime minister, Rustam Minnikhanov. Khabarovsk Krai will give Daliavia a $6 million credit from its budget; Tatarstan will allocate $10 million in credit; and the Kazan Air Industrial Association will perform $15 million worth of work in the assembly of the planes. The aircraft will be equipped with Perm engines instead of the usual Rolls Royce engines. The production of the first plane is expected to be finished in six months, and the second two months later. The contract signals a victory for the Kazan aircraft plant in its competition with the Ulyanovsk aircraft company, Aviastar.
Oil Extraction Technology Discussed
Representatives of Russia's leading oil companies participated in a nationwide meeting devoted to the development of oil deposits that opened on 6 June in the town of Elmet, Tatar-inform reported. The forum, organized by the Russian Fuel and Energy Ministry and Tatarstan's oil company Tatneft, is scheduled to discuss new technologies of oil extraction. Russian Deputy Fuel and Energy Minister Valery Garipov told the meeting that the most developed technologies of oil extraction are incorporated in Tatarstan, and that the flexible system of taxation introduced here in reference to low-yield wells is worthy of being implemented throughout the country.
By Gulnara Khasanova