12 July 2000
Tatarstan's Former Parliamentary Speaker Refutes Allegations of New Appointment
The Russian representative at the Council of Europe, former Tatarstan's vice president and parliamentary speaker Vasily Likhachev, was interviewed by the Efir TV company via telephone on 12 July. Likhachev refuted allegations that he has been offered the post of chairman in the new Russian Federation Council that is to be reformed at the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin. He said that such allegations were intended to harm Likhachev's relations with leaders of Russian regions, including Tatarstan's President Mintimer Shaimiev.
Russian Minister Of Agriculture Visits Kazan
Russian Minister of Agriculture Alexey Gordeev visited Kazan on 11 July to take part in the scientific conference on agriculture organized by agricultural science center "Niva Tatarstana". In his speech to the conference, Gordeev noted that the new national concept of agricultural development endorsed by Russian government stresses the important role to be played by the government. Gordeev characterized the program, which is to be implemented over the 10 years, by saying "one can do agricultural business only together with the state."
Gaz Monopoly Chief To Visit Kazan
Gazprom company chief Rem Vyakhirev will visit Kazan on 14 July to celebrate the 45th anniversary of its partner in Tatarstan-Tatransgaz, RFE/RL's correspondent in Kazan reported on 12 July. According to the republican Committee of Statistics, 90 percent of Tatarstan's territory is already provided with equipment and infrastructure for natural gas supplies. While rural regions of Tatarstan are switching to gas from wood and coal, the republican government reportedly is working on implementing its energy-saving program. That program is expected to minimize the losses of heat and electricity that are produced using natural gas supplies from Gazprom.
By Iskender Nurmi