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Tatar-Bashkir Report: September 26, 2000

26 September 2000
Morozov On Shaimiev's Third Term Attempt
Oleg Morozov, a State Duma deputy representing Tatarstan and head of the deputies group Regions of Russia, told IMA-press on 25 September that "from the point of view of relations between Moscow and Kazan, the decision on a third presidential term for Mintimer Shaimiev will undoubtedly be positive." Morozov commented on the decision by Tatarstan's parliament to move up the presidential election from March to 24 December. "I think that it's Shaimiev who the federal center would like to see in the presidential post," Morozov said. From a legislative point of view, Morozov said he thinks there is a loophole since "the deadline for bringing republican legislation into correspondence with the federal one expires at the end of the year, so everything depends on how tightly the federal center will close its eyes." According to republican law, Shaimiev can be elected to a third term although federal law prohibits this.

Central Electoral Committee Sets Presidential Election Schedule
Tatarstan's Central Election Commission (CEC) confirmed at a meeting on 25 September a calendar of preparations for the 24 December presidential election, Tatar Television reported. Within one week of the announcement of the election date, the Justice Ministry is to send the CEC a list of official political parties. Election commissions are to be formed by 24 October, and polling districts by 23 November. Lists of eligible voters should be finalized by 28 November.

U.S. Diplomat Visits Kazan
The second secretary of the U.S. Embassy in the Russian Federation, Michael Boskhard, arrived in Kazan on 25 September, Tatar Radio reported. His visit includes meetings in the presidential Foreign Affairs Department, the State Council, and the Trade and Economic Cooperation Ministry. The diplomat is expected to be received by Tatarstan's mufti, Gusman khazrat Iskhakov, and the Russian Orthodox Church Archbishop of Tatarstan and Kazan Anastasii.

Interior Ministry Concerned With Fuel Theft
The head of the Interior Ministry department battling economic crimes, Rafael Guilmanov, told a news conference on 25 September in Kazan that the sale of fake fuel and the swindling of gas through unauthorized pipelines are the main crimes plaguing the fuel industry. Guilmanov reported that damage from these crimes has cost some 6 million rubles this year. The official said that the department has increased its attention to these problems and that magistrates specialized in investigating crimes connected to oil embezzlement have been sent to oil extracting districts. Also, brigades of investigating authorities are being created.

By Gulnara Khasanova