18 May 1999
Tatarstan's Duma Deputies Votes On Impeachment Vary
The Tatar press published the voting records of Tatarstan's deputies in the State Duma on the question of impeaching Russian President Boris Yeltsin on 15 May: Vladimir Altukhov (NDR-Nas Dom Rossia) voted against impeachment on all five charges; Vasilii Almyashkin (NDR) voted against on four charges (one ballot was invalid); Gabdulvakhit Bagautdinov (NDR) voted against on all five charges; Dania Karimova (NDR) abstained from voting; Insaf Sayfullin (NDR) voted against on all five counts; Mullanur Gazeev (Communist Party) voted for impeachment on two charges (three votes were invalid); Aleksandr Saliy (Communist Party) voted for all five charges; Nasima Stolyarova (Communist Party) voted for all five charges; Ivan Grachev (Yabloko) abstained from voting; Oleg Morozov (Rossiyskiye Regioni faction leader, coordinator of Vsya Rossia movement) voted for one charge (and abstained from the other four ballots); Azat Khamayev (Rossiyskiye Regioni) abstained from voting; Sergei Shashurin (Narodovlastiye) voted for all five charges.
Bashkir President Awarded Medal
Bashkortostan's President Murtaza Rakhimov was awarded the Tsar Dmitrii medal by the Russian Children's Fund on 17 May. The medal was instituted in 1989 by the fund and the Russian Orthodox Church. The president of the children's fund, Albert Likhanov, told the Bashinform agency that Bashkortostan's government had given significant attention to orphans and homeless children. A check for $40,000 was given by the Russian Children's Fund to Bashkortostan's government to purchase multivitamins for orphanages.
Compiled by Iskender Nurmi