19 November 1998
State Council To Consider President's Draft Budget
Tatarstan's minister of finance, Robert Musin, briefed the parliament on 18 November about the 1999 draft state budget. He said it will be discussed at the 17th plenary session of the Tatar State Council on 21 December. Musin said that state budget for 1999 apportions separate funds to different bodies of local self-government in Tatarstan.
An inter-budget treaty between Tatarstan and Moscow regulating the distribution of tax monies collected in Tatarstan expires in February 1999. Parliament deputies Geliy Kobelev and Mukhammat Sabirov said they doubt that such inter-budget treaties with Russia will be extended due to the unclear position of the Russian government.
Yachtsmen From Tatarstan Continue Trip Around The World
"North Star is on its way home," said Albert Bagautdinov, chairman of the republican sports committee, referring to a recent stop in Australia by a yacht from Tatarstan on a round-the-world voyage.
North Star left Kazan on 30 August 1997 and has already logged more than 42,000 kilometers. The five yachtsmen from Tatarstan said they were astonished by the welcoming ceremony thrown by the Tatar diaspora in Adelaide. After a three-week break in Australia, North Star and its crew will head home--planning to dock in Kazan on 9 May.
KamAZ To Upgrade Farm Machinery In Tatarstan
The KamAZ automotive plant has begun a program to upgrade old farm machinery, republican radio reported on 19 November. The new KamAZ-produced engines (made in Ukraine and Belarus) to be installed in tractors and combine harvesters are more durable and significantly more efficient than the old engines.
Shaimiev Makes Russian Daily's Top 25
Tatar President Mintimer Shaimiev was ranked 24th on a list of the 100 leading politicians in Russia, published by the Nezavisimaya gazeta newspaper. The list was compiled based on the politicians' influence both inside and outside of Russia.
Compiled by I.Nurmi