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Armenia Optimistic On Power Deal With Turkey

YEREVAN -- Armenia hopes to boost its energy cooperation with Turkey in the wake of warming relations between Ankara and Yerevan, RFE/RL's Armenian Service reports.

Armenian Energy Minister Armen Movsisian told journalists on October 19 that senior executives from a Turkish energy company would arrive in the Armenian capital next week for fresh talks on planned exports of Armenian electricity to Turkey.

The Istanbul-based Unit Group and Armenia's state-run power-transmission company reportedly signed an agreement to that effect during Turkish President Abdullah Gul's September 2008 visit to Yerevan.

Movsisian and other Armenian officials repeatedly stated afterward that Armenian power supplies to Turkey would start in April 2009.

Movsisian conceded that the supplies have still not begun, despite the completion of preparatory work on the Turkish side, because of "political problems in Turkey."

He said the fence-mending agreement signed by the Armenian and Turkish foreign ministers in Zurich on October 10 paved the way for the implementation of the power agreement.