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Disabled Tajik Lawmaker Resigns Over Revoked Benefits

Muhammdadsharif Himmatzoda
Muhammdadsharif Himmatzoda
DUSHANBE -- A Tajik parliament member and leader of the country's Islamic Renaissance Party has resigned in protest after some of his benefits were revoked.

Muhammdadsharif Himmatzoda, who is unable to walk, was refused transport services that had been previously provided to him after he wrote articles critical of the country's controversial new law on religion.

His salary was not affected, but Himmatzoda said that he is legally entitled to both his salary and the transport service needed due to his disability.

The Central Electoral Commission's chief of staff told RFE/RL's Tajik Service on April 14 that Himmatzoda's resignation is problematic because the country will not hold parliamentary elections for at least 10 months.