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Iraqi Deputies Chided For Not Making Financial Declarations

BAGHDAD -- Iraq's top anticorruption official says only about one-third of Iraqi lawmakers have disclosed their financial assets as required, RFE/RL's Radio Free Iraq reports.

Abd al-Rahim al-Igaily, a judge who is the chairman of Iraq's anticorruption commission, told RFE/RL that as of September 30, only 92 parliament deputies out of a total of 275 have filed statements with the commission about their financial holdings and assets.

He added that this percentage is low compared to the 100 percent compliance by members of the Iraqi cabinet and the Presidential Council.

Igaily said the commission will publish on its website the names of those who have made their financial disclosures as a means of pressuring the noncompliant legislators.

He explained that people holding public office who fail to disclose their finances by a certain deadline shall be suspended until they do so, adding that four judges in the Kurdistan region and some members of the anticorruption commission itself have already been suspended.

Igaily said two provincial governors could also be suspended from office if they do not file statements of their financial assets this week.