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Kazakh Police Detain Suspect In Journalist's Disappearance

Oralgaisha Omarshanova
Oralgaisha Omarshanova
Kazakhstan's Interior Ministry has announced that a suspect who may be involved in an investigative journalist's disappearance was detained.

The chief of Kazakhstan's criminal police, Sultan Kusetov, told journalists that the detained individual is Serik Zhamanaev, who is well-known among criminals all over the former Soviet Union as Serik Golova (the Head).

According to Kusetov, Zhamanaev may be involved in the disappearance of Oralghaisha Omarshanova in March 2007.

Omarshanova was investigating a clash between ethnic Chechens and Kazakhs in the southern villages of Malovodnoye and Kazatkom, trying to connect it with Kazakhstan’s copper-producing giant, KazakhMys. Her whereabouts are still unknown.