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Kyrgyz Investigators Charged With Abuse Of Office

BISHKEK -- Two senior investigators at the Bishkek City Prosecutor's Office have been charged with abuse of office, RFE/RL's Kyrgyz Service reports.

Anatoly Khegai and Altynbek Namazaliev have been accused of "illegally unfreezing bank accounts belonging to ousted Kyrgyz President Kumanbek Bakiev's relatives."

Officials at the Prosecutor-General's Office told RFE/RL that an investigation was launched on October 12. Namazaliev is currently under house arrest, and Khegai is being held in a pretrial detention center in Bishkek.

All bank accounts belonging to Bakiev and his relatives were frozen by the interim government shortly after Bakiev was ousted on April 7 amid clashes between antigovernment protesters and security forces in Bishkek.

Bakiev currently lives in Belarus, where he fled to after leaving Kyrgyzstan.