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Kyrgyz Village Head Sacked For Beating Journalist

OSH, Kyrgyzstan -- The head of a village in the southern Kyrgyz region of Osh has been sacked for beating a local journalist, RFE/RL's Kyrgyz Service reports.

Kyrgyz human rights activist Noomanjan Davydov told RFE/RL on March 9 that Nurabad village head Kochkorbek Mamasaidov beat up Hashimjan Halbekov, a freelance journalist for the Uzbek-language newspaper "Osh sadosi" (Voice of Osh), on January 13.

Davydov said Halbekov is known for his thorough coverage of the activities of local authorities and Mamasaidov was not happy with his reports.

Halbekov was hospitalized and has had several operations. Local police are investigating the case.