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Newspaper In West Kazakhstan Sued For Libel Again

Editor Tamara Eslyamova
Editor Tamara Eslyamova
ALMATY -- The independent weekly newspaper "Uralskaya nedelya" in Kazakhstan's western city of Oral is being sued for libel again, RFE/RL's Kazakh Service reports.

The Almaty-based nongovernmental organization Adil Soz (Just Word) that monitors journalists' rights reported today that Aqylbai Qaimoldin, the director of a secondary school in the town of Podstepnoye in West Kazkahstan Oblast, has filed a libel suit against the paper's chief editor, Tamara Eslyamova.

Qaimoldin is demanding the equivalent of $33,300 from her as compensation for "damage to his honor and dignity."

The claim concerns an article by Pyotr Trotsenko printed in "Uralskaya nedelya" in July about a confrontation between Qaimoldin and parents of children studying at his school.

Earlier this year, "Uralskaya nedelya" journalist Luqpan Akhmedyarov was found guilty of libel and obliged to pay the equivalent of $133,500 to the Tengizneftestroi Oil Company for his article about an allegedly rigged tender won by Tengizneftestroi.