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Russia Violated Prisoner's Rights, European Court Says

Vasily Aleksanian (center) at a Moscow court in February.
Vasily Aleksanian (center) at a Moscow court in February.
Russian authorities violated the human rights of a jailed oil executive who has HIV/AIDS and who was not given proper medical treatment for his condition, Europe's Strasbourg-based human rights court has said.

Earlier this month, a Russian court ruled to free on bail Vasily Aleksanian, a former Yukos senior manager, who is also going blind and has cancer.

Aleksanian, 37, will be freed upon payment of a bail of 50 million rubles ($1.77 million), the Russian court ruled.

Aleksanian is under guard in austere conditions in a Moscow hospital, waiting for the bail to be raised, and his supporters have expressed anger at the Russian court's decision.

See the full Reuters story here.